
Welcome to our resource page for congregations. Our synod consists of 133 congregations across south-central Wisconsin. This page includes various resources for congregation leaders, councils, and staff. Our resources for congregations include supply pastor lists, human resource resources, links for treasurers and more.

Pastoral Supply List

Pastoral Supply List provides an updated listing of the names of pastors & rostered lay leaders available for supply preaching and worship leadership when a called rostered minister is absent. Visit the pulpit supply page to learn more and for our current list of available ministers.

Pulpit Supply Information & List

2024 Boundaries Training for Rostered Ministers

The synods of ELCA Region 5 (the synods of Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, and the Northern Great Lakes Synod) are collaborating to present annual boundaries education for rostered leaders. The purpose of this collaboration is, in part, to show a shared commitment to boundaries education, to create and sustain professional ministry leadership in our synods, for safety in our communities of faith, and to pool our resources in an effort to offer high quality educational events. This year the theme will be professional boundaries and will take place on Thursday, November 7 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Click the links below for the introductory email sent to all ministers and to register.

August 9, 2024 Email
Register Here

Congregational Financial Reporting Resources

Remittance Form & Mission Support Letter of Intent for congregational treasurers – Each congregation has a congregational ID number to include on this form. It is important to include the remittance form with each remittance to the synod office.

Remittance Form:  (PDF)  (Word)
2024 Mission Support Statement of Intent: English – (PDF) Español – (PDF)

Certification of Audit and Blanket Insurance Forms – Each year in late January, each congregation’s treasurer is asked to complete these forms to ensure we have accurate documentation on financial and insurance plans. Forms should be sent to the synod office by end of March each year.

Audit Certificate:  (PDF)

Compensation Guidelines

The SCSW Compensation Guidelines and Recommendations are downloadable and available for your use as you do your budget planning for the coming year. These are suggested minimum guidelines.

2024 Guidelines: (PDF) – version November 14, 2023
2025 Guidelines: (New Compensation Resource Page)

Portico Benefits & Resources

For further information on Board of Pensions/Portico rates, calculators and details visit the Portico Benefits website.

ELCA Model Constitution for Congregations

Each of this church’s expressions—congregations, synods and the churchwide organization—has a constitution. This model is the minimum standard for congregations. Any congregation that wishes to update their constitution should consult the synod secretary for guidance and approval.

Resources for Congregation Constitutions: ELCA Constitution Resources

Synod & Parish Protection Handbook 

This handbook contains guidelines for screening staff and volunteers and recommendations of appropriate behaviors for adults who work with children and youth.

PPP Handbook (2017) PDF

Model Sexual Harassment & Misconduct Policy

This policy document may be used as a guide for congregations in drafting their own congregation specific Sexual Harassment & Misconduct Policy in consultation with the synod and other local resources. This model should be seen as the minimum standard for congregations.

Model Sexual Harassment & Misconduct Policy PDF

Equipping the Saints Webinars

Our Equipping the Saints webinars were one of the ways we connected with our congregations, leaders, and members over a variety of topics and discussions in 2020 and 2021. Whether you were on a particular webinar and would like to review the information shared, or you were unable to attend live, recordings of most of our past webinars are available on the archived webinars page via the link below.

Webinars (Archive) CLICK HERE