Campus Ministries

Synod Campus Ministries at UW-Madison, UW-Platteville, UW-Whitewater

Campus ministry invites people in academic settings to fellowship, worship & bible study. It provides a safe place to build leadership skills as well as discover and fulfill their vocation as disciples.

Click on the link above to donate securely online to our Lutheran Campus Ministries. Simply choose your donation amount and then choose Campus Ministries in the “To:” field and your gift will be directed towards the work of our three ministries.

Click on the link above for a prayer “toolkit” sharing resources for offering prayers individually or as a congregation for the students and the ministries of Lutheran Campus Ministry in our synod and beyond.

Student Referral

Students or friends of students! Are you attending or planning to attend UW-Madison, UW-Platteville, or UW-Whitewater, or do you know someone who is? The South-Central Synod of Wisconsin has campus ministry sites at each of these locations. Please complete the short form below so we can connect with you about events and opportunities, and just to see how you’re doing. Then, keep scrolling to read a little more about the campus ministry site where you are or will be attending!
In Christ,
Pastor John Worzala-Dumke (UW-Madison)
Pastor Brenda Crossfield (UW-Platteville)
Pastor Joseph O’Donnell (UW-Whitewater)

Campus Ministry Sunday

The South-Central Synod of Wisconsin sponsors three campus ministries, at UW-Madison, UW-Platteville, and UW-Whitewater. Campus Ministry Sunday provides an occasion to highlight campus ministry in prayer, spread the news about campus ministry to your members, and encourage financial support for these programs. To participate, simply complete the form below to indicate which day you plan on organizing Campus Ministry Sunday at your congregation/ministry. Afterwards, the Synod Campus Ministry Oversight Team will contact you to provide liturgical resources and ask if you would like a member of the Synod Campus Ministry Oversight Team to join on your Campus Ministry Sunday.

Ministry Settings

UW Whitewater Campus


LECM at UW-Whitewater is a joint ministry between the ELCA South-Central Synod of Wisconsin and the Episcopal Diocese of Wisconsin, supporting projects like the student group Dwelling and the Campus and Community Meal. The Monday night spaghetti meal serves about 90 meals weekly, totaling 3,495 meals in 2023 — free, thanks to financial support from congregations, and volunteer support from the community.


UW Platteville Campus


Throughout the year, students are connected to social retreats, mission trips, and service projects. The biggest event is Table Talk, weekly dinner discussions of faith and contemporary issues, from climate change to current events.

Contact: Pastor Brenda Crossfield –

Learn more at

UW Madison Campus


As the first campus ministry site in the country, there is a long history of life changing relationships and gracious hospitality. Weekly events include worship, meals, and small groups. Guests are welcome throughout the week in the Student Center, a spacious lounge with free Wi-Fi, coffee, tea, and snacks.


Learn more at

Resources & Links

Resources to Promote Campus Ministry in your congregation:

12 Month Guide to Campus Ministry (pdf)

Connect your students to campus ministry by contacting the campus ministry directly.

We invite you to join us in becoming a Friend of Campus Ministry! Through worship, study, fellowship, and service, members of these academic communities experience the fullness of God’s grace through your generosity.

Studying at a school outside of our synod?

LuMin, the Lutheran Camus Ministry Network of the ELCA, is a network of inclusive faith communities on and near campuses celebrating God’s love and grace at over 240 colleges and universities across the country.