2024 Synod Assembly

Saturday, May 18, 2024
First Lutheran Church – Janesville

The 2024 Synod Assembly was held Saturday, May 18 at First Lutheran Church in Janesville, with a pre-Assembly worship service and gathering held on Friday, May 17. Thank you to all who attended, all who volunteered your time and effort, and all who leaned in to hear and receive all that the day offered to all of us.

We gathered this year under the theme Building, Learning, Growing. Every time we gather together as God’s people, we have the opportunity to do all three – to build relationships, to learn from one another, to grow in faith in Christ. We pray that this year’s assembly will offer this and so much more.

You can find a printable recap of this year’s Assembly by clicking here. You are encouraged to share this with your congregations.

Dear Partners in Ministry,

What an incredible Synod Assembly! We began by coming together on Friday evening for a time of worship and blessing - a holy reminder that those who are called to proclaim need to hear words of blessing and grace pronounced over them too.

On Saturday, our keynote speaker, the Rev. Dr. Lorenzo Lebrija, Executive Director of the TryTank Research Institute, provided a message that was both concerning and hopeful. We have all witnessed on some level or another the changes and declines in church membership that the Rev. Dr. Lebrija described. And yet, as he also reminded us, the God we worship is still a God of abundance.

I left our assembly feeling energized by not only what I heard from our keynote speaker, but by having had the opportunity to be in community with so many of you that day. Together we processed the uncomfortable truth about declines in church attendance and the rise of distrust toward anyone who calls themselves Christian. Together we heard about God’s abundance. Together we were introduced to a new way of approaching our ministry – but one that at its root maybe isn’t all that new after all: Just Try Something!

I want to invite you, as you have now returned to your own faith communities, to remember that we are still in this work together. You don’t have to “just try something” on your own! The Rev. Dr. Lebrija is thrilled to be in conversation with any SCSW congregation or ministry through Cohort Mentoring. (Click here for more details.) In addition, as your bishop, I am looking forward to being in conversation with you about where you sense the Spirit at work. The rest of the Office of the Bishop are also delighted to partner with you, dream with you, lament with you, TRY with you. Part of God’s abundance is the gift of each other. Let us rejoice in that gift through partnership, mutual trust, and conversation.

Siblings in faith – we are in so many ways in uncharted territory as the Church, as God’s holy people gathered around Word and Sacrament. Yet the love and abundance of God remain the same. The gift of community in Christ remains the same. The empowerment of the Holy Spirit, who daily calls, gathers, and enlightens us, remains the same.

We are the synod and the synod is us. Together, let us move forward, let us TRY boldly in faith.

Alongside you,

Bishop Joy Mortensen-Wiebe

To read more about this year's Assembly click here for the email recap that was sent to all attendees and synod congregations on May 22, 2024.

Registration for Synod Assembly is now CLOSED. If you have questions about your registration, need to make changes, or make a substitution please contact our Assembly Manager, Trevor Thom, at trevort@scsw-elca.org for assistance.

All those attending Synod Assembly are registered based on the type of attendee they are. See the sections below for detailed information on each type of attendee.

  • Voting Member, which includes:
    • Lay Voting Members from a Congregation/Ministry
    • Rostered Ministers Under Call
    • Interim Rostered Ministers
    • Retired Rostered Leaders
    • Synod Council
  • Guest/Visitor
  • Displayer

The registration fees for the 2024 Synod Assembly are as follows:

  • Voting Members*:
    • $75.00 per person (Early Bird: Closed at 5:00 p.m. on April 12)
    • $100.00 per person (Regular Registration: Now through 5:00 p.m. April 22)
    • *Retired Rostered Ministers receive a discounted rate of $55.00 per person.
  • Guest/Visitor:
    • $75.00 per person (Early Bird: Closed at 5:00 p.m. on April 12)
    • $100.00 per person (Regular Registration: Now through 5:00 p.m. April 22)
  • Displayer
    • $55.00 for one (1) person which includes display table and all meals/programming.
    • Additional persons should register as a guest/visitor.

It is expected that congregations cover the full cost of attending Assembly for all voting members. Payment can be made online by clicking HERE and choosing "Synod Assembly 2024" as the fund designation. Please note that there is a fee to pay online by credit card or e-check and this fee will be added to your registration cost. Congregations may make ONE payment for all attendees. Please ensure your congregation's name is noted on the payment form.

Checks made payable to the South-Central Synod of Wisconsin may be mailed to PO Box 14496, Madison, WI 53708. Please ensure "Synod Assembly" is noted on your payment. Payment deadline is April 30, 2024.


Voting Members:

Except as otherwise provided in this constitution and bylaws, the Synod Council has established processes that will ensure that at least 60% of the members of the synod assemblies, councils, committees, boards, and other organizational units shall be lay persons; and that at least 45% of the lay members of assemblies, councils, committees, boards, or other organizational units shall be women and at least 45% shall be men; and that, where possible, the representation of Rostered Minister shall include both men and women. The percentage of lay persons that is not allocated to women or men may be allocated to persons who identify as gender non-binary, gender fluid, women, men, or other genders.

This synod has established processes that will enable it to reach a minimum goal that 10% of its assemblies, councils, committees, boards, or other organizational units be persons of color and/or persons whose primary language is other than English. (Synod Constitution; S6.04)


All congregations use the following formula to determine the number of lay (non-rostered) voting members they are allowed to register for the assembly.  The formula has been created to meet the constitutional expectation that 60% of the voting membership of the assembly be composed of lay persons, and to achieve the goal of at least 45 percent of the lay members of the assembly shall be women and, as nearly as possible, at least 45 percent shall be men. The percentage of lay persons that is not allocated to women or men may be allocated to persons who identify as gender non-binary, gender fluid, women, men, or other genders.

  • Up to 1000  baptized members =  2 voting members (one male/one female)
  • 1001 – 2000 baptized members = 3 voting members (one male/one female/one either)
  • 2001 – 3000 baptized members = 4 voting members (two male/two female)
  • 3001 – 4000 baptized members = 5 voting members (two male/two female/one either)
  • 4001 – 5000 baptized members = 6 voting members (three male/three female)
  • 5001 – 6000 baptized members = 7 voting members (three male/three female/one either)
  • 6001 – 7000 baptized members = 8 voting members (four male/four female)

Youth and Young Adult Voting Members

In addition to the aforementioned allotment of voting members, in June of 2010 the Synod Council passed a continuing resolution allowing congregations to register additional Youth and Young Adult Lay Voting Members.  To be eligible for a youth or young adult voting member registration, the individual shall not have obtained the age of 30 years old at the time of registration.

  • Up to 175 baptized members = 1 youth or young adult voting member of either gender
  • 176 or more baptized members = 2 youth or young adult voting members (one male/one female)

Synodically Authorized Worshiping Communities

Each congregation under development and Synodically Authorized Worshiping Community may register one lay voting member of any gender.

Campus Ministries

The campus ministry sites within this synod, UW-Madison, UW-Platteville, and UW-Whitewater, each may elect not more than two lay voting members, one of whom shall be male and one of whom shall be female, to the Synod Assembly. The persons elected under this section shall not have attained the age of 30 years at the time of election to the Assembly.

Rostered Ministers

  • Ministers of Word & Sacrament – All Ministers of Word & Sacrament (pastors) under call in this synod are voting members of the synod assembly. This includes those under call to specialized ministry and under synod call. All pastors under call in the synod are expected to register for and attend the assembly. Each registered pastor has one vote at the assembly, even if they are serving more than one congregation or ministry site.
  • Ministers of Word & Service – All Ministers of Word & Service (deacons) under call in this synod are voting members of the synod assembly and are expected to register for and attend the assembly. This includes those under call to specialized ministry and under synod call. Each deacon has one vote at the assembly even if they are serving more than one congregation or ministry site.
  • Retired Rostered Ministers – Retired Rostered Ministers may elect up to 10% of their number to be registered as voting members of the assembly.
  • Interim Rostered Ministers – Rostered Ministers serving in interim ministry under contract but not under call shall be seated as voting members of the Assembly from the congregations they are currently serving at the time of the Assembly.

The Synod Assembly is an open meeting and anyone is welcome to attend as a visitor. Guests and visitors do not have voice or vote during the business agenda of the Assembly but are welcome to come and participate in worship, share in fellowship, and gather in community. All guests and visitors must register and pay the registration fee which includes all meals during the Assembly.

We are excited to showcase our synod ministries alongside our ELCA and other partner ministries. All displayers must register as a displayer* and your registration will include access to the assembly as a visitor/guest including all meals and programming.

*Displayers who are also a voting member to the Assembly must register as BOTH a voting member** AND a displayer by choosing the appropriate attendee types from the registration form above. Voting member registration costs are to be covered by your congregation/ministry and the cost to be a displayer will also be assessed as a separate fee that is to be paid as well by the ministry/partner being represented.

**ONLY Voting Members need register twice if they are also a displayer. Non-voting members have a registration for one (1) person included in the Displayer registration.

If you have questions regarding displayer registration please reach out to Trevor Thom, Assembly Manager, at trevort@scsw-elca.org.

Our host for our Assembly, First Lutheran Church, has focused on making their space and interactions accessible to all. The entire building is handicap accessible. The majority of the building including The Gathering Space, Sanctuary (Main Floor), Classrooms, and Chapel are all accessible by elevator. During worship services and our time in Assembly, if you are having a difficulty hearing in the sanctuary, you may borrow a Hearing Assist headset, found on the table by the entrance to the sanctuary. There are two types. One has headphones with the Sound Unit. The other has a Neckloop Telcoil Coupler that works with hearing aids equipped with a telephone coil (T switch). Directions are included in the bag. If you need any assistance do not hesitated to reach out to any usher or staff member.

There are many restrooms available including handicap accessible restrooms on each floor. There are restrooms available with baby changing stations and private gender neutral restrooms.

Please contact Assembly Manager Trevor Thom at trevort@scsw-elca.org if you have any other accessibility needs and we will work with our host to accommodate.

The full "Assembly Book" which serves as the Annual Report of the Synod is posted below. This includes all business coming before the assembly along with sharing the story of our ministry together over the past year. In order to be good stewards of creation, as well as the synod’s resources, all assembly materials will be distributed electronically. All documents are PDF format and can be easily read on most devices. Download PDF readers here: PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Google Play, Amazon Fire.

Note that attendees may bring their computers, tablets, and/or smartphones to access these materials, or else print them in advance on your own as Wi-Fi internet access during the assembly will be in high-demand.

Elections to synod council, synod committees, ELCA Church Council nominees, and the 2025 ELCA Churchwide Assembly will take place at this Assembly . Below are the slate of nominations received prior to Assembly. Nominations will be accepted from the floor of the Assembly at and only at the apportioned time in the agenda.

Except as otherwise provided in this constitution and bylaws, the Synod Council has established processes that will ensure that at least 60% of the members of the synod assemblies, councils, committees, boards, and other organizational units shall be lay persons; and that at least 45% of the lay members of assemblies, councils, committees, boards, or other organizational units shall be women and at least 45% shall be men; and that, where possible, the representation of Rostered Minister shall include both men and women. The percentage of lay persons that is not allocated to women or men may be allocated to persons who identify as gender non-binary, gender fluid, women, men, or other genders.

This synod has established processes that will enable it to reach a minimum goal that 10% of its assemblies, councils, committees, boards, or other organizational units be persons of color and/or persons whose primary language is other than English. (Synod Constitution; S6.04)

Please contact Trevor Thom, Assembly Manager, for more information or with any questions.

There is one (1) resolutions that is before the Synod Assembly:

The SCSW synod office now shares a building with Lakeview Lutheran Church in Madison. As a way to support this new and ongoing partnership, this year's In-Kind Synod Assembly Offering will go to support the food pantry at Lakeview Lutheran. The food pantry has been a ministry of Lakeview for 40 years and is a collaborative effort between the congregation and surrounding community.
Below is a list of suggested items to bring to the SCSW Synod Assembly on May 18. Thank you for your generous support of this ministry!
  • Canned soup/chili/stew
  • Canned fruit
  • Canned vegetables
  • Canned tuna fish or chicken
  • Peanut butter
  • Spaghetti or egg noodles
  • Spaghetti sauce
  • Shampoo
  • Dish soap
  • Laundry detergent
  • Diapers

You are encouraged to share this with your congregation; download a 1/2 page bulletin insert here (pdf).

Schedule (Subject to Change)

Friday Evening, May 17: Worship & Reception

  • 6pm: Doors Open
  • 6:30pm: Worship & Anniversary Recognition
  • 7:30-8:30pm: Reception (Dessert & Refreshments)

Saturday, May 18: Synod Assembly

  • 8am: Registration Begins
  • 9:30am: Worship
  • 10:45am: Keynote with The Rev. Dr. Lorenzo Lebrija
  • 11:45am: Report of the Bishop
  • 12:00pm: Lunch
  • 1:00: Plenary/Business Session
  • 3:30pm: Keynote #2
  • 4:30pm Sending Blessing

Welcome The Dr. Rev. Lorenzo Lebrija

Internationally noted as an expert in the innovation field, The Rev. Dr. Lorenzo Lebrija is the chief innovation officer of Virginia Theological Seminary and the executive director of TryTank Research Institute, which focuses on advancing theological research to meet the evolving needs of the church in the modern world.

Before launching TryTank, Fr. Lorenzo was the Chief Development Officer for the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles. He also served as the Pastor on behalf of the Bishop at St. John's Episcopal Church in San Bernardino, CA, and as priest associate at St. Athanasius Episcopal Church at the Cathedral Center of St. Paul in Los Angeles. He studied at the General Theological Seminary in New York City and earned his Master of Divinity degree. He earned his Doctor of Ministry degree at Virginia Theological Seminary.

Before entering seminary, Fr. Lorenzo was president and CEO of Seraphic Fire & Firebird Chamber Orchestra, Miami's professional choral and orchestral ensemble. He was also the Miami Program Director for the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation responsible for a substantial grant portfolio and the launch of the Knight Arts Challenge. Having been General Manager for RadioActiva Hispanic Radio and Editor/Director of Operations for Miami's Community Newspapers, Fr. Lorenzo has vast media and marketing experience.

Beyond the DMin degree, he also has an M.Div, MBA and a B.A. from Florida International University, has completed the full training at the Fundraising School at Indiana University, is a Certified Foresight Practitioner from the Institute for the Future in Palo Alto, CA, has a certificate in Design Thinking from IDEO in Palo Alto, CA, and is a graduate of Rice University's Executive Education Program.

This synod is not arranging for overnight accommodations this year. If congregations or individuals would like to stay overnight you will find a list of hotels in Janesville below along with their distance from First Lutheran Church. Reservations and payment for hotel accommodations are to be handled individually. The list below is simply for your information, we have not verified availability nor do we endorse any hotel directly.