Endowment Fund

Thank you for your interest in applying for a grant from the South-Central Synod of Wisconsin Endowment Fund.

The purpose of the Endowment Fund is to: “enhance God’s mission and ministry in the territory of the South-Central Synod of Wisconsin in addition to, and apart from, its yearly operating budget, with emphasis on fostering innovation that leads to creative, financially sustainable ministries.”  (Grants range between $5,000 to $10,000) 

All grants will be reviewed with attention paid to how they: 

  • Contribute to the long-term financial sustainability of the congregation or ministry through leveraging and unlocking other sources of funds.
  • Create significant social good for the surrounding (non-church) community.  This must be shown in qualitative and quantitative ways, through numbers/ metrics as well as stories of lives and communities changed. 

When you hit “Submit” you will receive an email copy of your submission from scswoffice@scsw-elca.org. Please check your spam/junk mail folder for this email as some email providers (Gmail especially) filters automated messages frequently. If you do not receive this email please do NOT submit a duplicate application. Please contact our Web Manager, Rev. Jason Poole-Xiong at jasonx@scsw-elca.org for a copy of your submission. Please direct any questions regarding the SCSW Endowment Fund or the application itself to Rev. Peter Beeson, Associate to the Bishop for Generosity at peterb@scsw-elca.org.