LMM – Lutheran Men in Mission

SCSW Lutheran Men in Mission (LMM) Volunteer Task Force

Mission Statement:

We, the SCSW-LMM Volunteer Task Force, by God’s grace, will provide and facilitate communications to congregations about opportunities that will allow them to network, link, share and grow their men’s ministries with their brothers from other congregations of the South-Central Synod of Wisconsin.

What is the ministry of Lutheran Men in Mission (LMM)?

Lutheran Men in Mission is a men’s ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We are building a dynamic ministry addressing the needs of men of all ages. The program is clearly focused on men only, and creates an environment that is “safe” for men. The program allows men to build trusting relationships with other Christian men, and is open and non-threatening to un-churched men. For more information about LMM events, resources and ministry ideas, go to www.lutheranmen.org.


The Bold Gathering is held several times each year providing a platform for faith issues facing men. The event is provided as a one day set of presentations suitable for a gathering and as a library of recorded presentations. The presenters come from a wide variety of experiences and speak from their hearts. Many of them have provided group discussion questions. Lutheran Men in Mission invites you to use this growing library of inspirational talks to invigorate your church’s ministry to men. The website address is: http://www.boldgathering.com/Please do not be put off by the ‘Not secure’ message that may appear. The website does not ask for secure information.

LMM Quarterly Newsletter


Inspired by the Men’s Courses in the Master Builders Bible for Men


These easy-to-follow discussion guides will put your group on a path to honest, safe, and enlightening engagement on the challenges and opportunities that all men share in life. Lifelines focus on Bible stories that explore ageless themes of masculinity and form a deep and lasting foundation for growth, wherever you are on your journey.

The first six of a series of new small group Bible Studies is now available with 30 more to come.

Go to: https://projecttwelve.net/lifelines/

Suggested books

  • Master Builders Bible for Men, 2nd Edition
  • Spanish New Testament: LMM has Spanish New Testaments in paperback available free of charge.
  • “Coming of Age: Exploring the Identity and Spirituality of Younger Men” by Dr. Rolland Martinson, Dr. Paul Hill and David Anderson.
  • “Man in the Mirror”, “No Man Left Behind” and
    “Pastoring Men”

Following Jesus
The LMM Synod Task Force has purchased a complete sample set of guides and participant manuals for Rev. Tim Wright’s Following Jesus – A Heroic Quest for Boys to loan to interested congregations in our synod for their review before they purchase the complete package. Pastor Wright serves an ELCA congregation in Arizona and was a keynote speaker at the LMM Gathering in July. Interested persons should call or text Jim Schieble at (920) 763-3433.